Is the wholesale and distribution industry embracing Artificial Intelligence?

Is the wholesale and distribution industry embracing ArtificialIntelligence? Our CEO, David Frye attended The Federation of Wholesale Distributors’ Annual Conference last week with Nigel Bottrill and Stuart Duckett.

There, it was great to see AI take centre stage, where delegates’ votes revealed that 31% of attendees’ businesses are already leveraging AI, while 41% feel that wholesalers can rely on AI to drive their business forward. Having built our working capital solutions around our belief in the game-changing power of technology for automation, accuracy and growth, these are compelling figures.

Levantor, as an FWD Supplier Member, specialises in providing working capital to pay suppliers, enabling wholesalers and distributors to hold onto their cash longer, thereby optimising their cash flow.

Thank you to the FWD for organising such an innovative event, we look forward to continued advancements in leveraging AI for the industry.

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